Helen Duncan's Astrological Birth Chart

Helen was born Thursday 25the November 1897 AD at 3 am in Callander Scotland View Chart Wheel

Personal Interpretation Profile

The Ascendant

The ascendant is the sign that was rising over the horizon at the time of birth. More than any other chart factor, the sign of the ascendant to be accurate is dependant on both time (it changes by 15 degrees every hour) and place of birth (someone born at the same time on the opposite side of the world will have the opposite sign on the ascendant or 'rising'). As such, it is the sign that brings us into physical incarnation, and the planet that rules that sign is said to be the ruler of the chart, or our planetary ruler for this lifetime. Hence the sign and house position of the ascendant's ruler are of particular importance. The ascending sign shows the way in which we approach life and the world in general. It can be related to what some psychologists call the persona, the mask we place between our inner selves and the world. As such it shows the way in which we are perceived by others, at least their first impressions of us. The ascendant represents the manner in which we must express ourselves in order to feel secure, and also the filter through which we perceive life and its challenges. It is the cusp of the first house, the house associated with our personal identity and self expression and represents the kind of energy and types of activities that we need to enliven us physically.

*Libra Ascendant

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign. With Libra rising at the time of your birth, you express Libran characteristics in your approach to life. There is a need to base action on an objective and fair assessment of any situation. The keynote of Libra is balance. Libra on the ascendant gives you the ability to see the various alternatives in any situation, and to see the other persons point of view. However, if overdone this can lead to indecisiveness that can be crippling to action, and a sitting on the fence type of behaviour. You try to base your actions on what is true and just, but must learn to make decisions and accept responsibility for the consequences. The first impression others have of you is of a friendly, fair and just person, or as somewhat superficial and indecisive in your behaviour.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the position of this planet will be of particular importance in your chart.

* Ascendant Sextile Moon

The Ascendant sextile the Moon indicates that you are sensitive to what others say to you or about you. This was particularly true when you were younger, but as you grow older this sensitivity will turn into a deeper understanding of yourself and others, although at times you will still have difficulty in separating fact from fiction, or tend to believe only what makes you feel comfortable with yourself. You pick up easily on the moods and emotional states of others, and may find it difficult to disguise your own moods.

* Ascendant Sextile Mercury

The sextile between Mercury and your ascendant shows that you have a great facility for absorbing information and knowledge, and the ability to explain what you have learned in a clear and understandable way. You are a good communicator, and you enjoy situations where you can express your views and air your intellectual knowledge, you are persuasive rather than argumentative. You have at least an intellectual understanding of who you are and what you want out of life, but the energy to put this in to practice, and to understand your deeper motivations, will have to come from some other area of your chart.

* Ascendant Conjunct Jupiter

The conjunction between your Ascendant and Jupiter gives you a good-natured and optimistic outlook and approach to life. You are good-natured and generous, jovial and expansive, others perceive you as friendly and knowledgeable, with something to say on almost anything. At least this is the image you try to project, perhaps even overdoing it to some extent, and tripping yourself up with your over-confidence and over enthusiasm. This may also be the first impressions that others have of you, but when they get to know you better they will become aware that behind the mask, you are just as prone to inner doubts, insecurities and hang-ups as everyone else.

* Ascendant Trine Pluto

The trine aspect between Pluto and your ascendant indicates that have an intensity and power that enables you to make creative changes to your own life and the lives of others. You do not take challenges to your needs or desires lightly, and will tend to express your point of view strongly even if, deep inside, you know that you are wrong. You are aware of many of the problems that afflict our society, and have little time or sympathy for those you feel are responsible, or for their supporters. You will feel the need to be some kind of agent for social reform, but whether this need stays in the realm of an idea or desire, or whether you put it into practice in some way will depend on aspects in the rest of the chart.

The Sun

In the solar system the Sun is the centre around which all the other planets revolve, bound by its gravitational force. Similarly, in the birth chart the Sun represents the "centre" of our personality, or the core of our being, around which all the other psychological drives and needs, symbolised by the planets, revolve.

Just as, in the solar system, the Sun is the source of light and life generating energy, so the Sun represents the source of consciousness and life within us all. It is our will to be and our sense of individuality. The birth chart, however, represents the solar system as seen from the earth, not the Sun. Most of us are not centred in our Sun, but in our earthbound, or sense-bound ego. For most of us then, the Sun represents our "Higher Self" or Spirit. It is the immortal spark of the universal spirit which is uniquely ourselves, as opposed to our transient and mortal ego centred personality. The Sun is therefore what we are striving to become.

The sign position of and aspects to the Sun, as seen from the earth, show how this radiant inner self works through the medium of our ego centred personality. It is the fundamental tone of our being, and as such is the most important placement in the chart.

* Sun In Sagittarius

With the Sun in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, your basic nature is outgoing and open-minded. You have a need to explore and to find out what is just over the horizon. This need can be expressed literally through travel, or on a more mental level through the exploration of ideas and philosophical systems. You may combine both, travelling for the purpose of expanding your mind. You are adaptable and versatile, able to make the most out of any situation. You see life as a great adventure, and it is the future and future possibilities that draw you on.

You may be prone to exaggeration, and your blindly optimistic and boisterous nature may make you careless and irresponsible. You may have to learn the hard way that you need to take care of unfinished business before you can move on to your next adventure.

* Sun In 2nd House

With the Sun in the 2nd house, material and financial matters are of importance to you. The problem here is that if these things are lost or taken away your self-identity goes with them and it may take some time to recover your self confidence to go on. If you can identify less with your possessions, regarding them more as a necessary means to an end, you can use them more productively as a way to establish your own sense of purpose and self worth. The same is true of any kind of possession, such as innate skills and abilities or your value system.

* Sun Conjunct Mars

The conjunction between the Sun and Mars indicates that you're energetic and self-assertive, with the ability to take the initiative and get things done. However, at times, you can have little regard for others when it comes to getting your way. In disputes with others you don't generally give way gracefully.

Having said all that, other aspects in your chart may soften the rougher edges of this aspect. The positive side of this aspect is that you have a strong will and leadership qualities that only need to be tempered with a degree of objectivity in order to achieve ambitions.

* Sun Sextile Jupiter

The sextile between the Sun and Jupiter gives you a sense of optimism and faith in life that will tend to offset any pessimistic or depressive influences in your chart. No matter how difficult things may seem on the surface, you always feel that you'll pull through in the end.

You'll need to find some form of philosophy or religious system that will help you to understand the meaning of your experiences. You have a desire to learn as much as you can about the world and to expand your horizons through the accumulation of knowledge.

* Sun Conjunct Saturn

The conjunction between the Sun and Saturn indicates a serious nature. Possibly early experiences have led you to believe that nothing comes easy, and that hard work and self-discipline are necessary to make something of your life. Possibly, a lack of recognition or understanding from your father has resulted in the belief that these things have to be earned through your own efforts. If necessary, you can live without the many luxuries that others crave.

Depending on your general outlook, Saturn can block the energy of the Sun, causing depression when faced with obstacles and restrictions. On the other hand, with a more positive outlook, Saturn can focus and sustain the energy of the Sun, giving you the inner strength and driving ambition to achieve your goals in spite of any set-backs and delays. It's all a matter of attitude.

* Sun Conjunct Uranus

The conjunction between the Sun and Uranus generates a great deal of restless energy. You have a strong urge for complete freedom and independence in all areas of your life, and you'll resist fiercely any attempts to tie you down. However, you should beware of being rebellious for its own sake or you may find yourself left on your own to pick up the pieces of your life.

The positive side of this aspect is your strong creativity and originality which could lead you down many unconventional paths, making your life a statement of your own individuality. Your energy and determination can also inspire others to break what ever chains are binding them and follow your lead. Possessing a bright vision of future possibilities, you generally don't let the past hold you back.


In the birth chart, the Moon is second in importance only to the Sun. Unlike the other planets the Moon orbits the earth, and seen from the earth is the same size as the Sun (hence the possibility of total eclipses). The Moon gives off no light of its own, however, but reflects and polarises the light of the Sun.

The Moon represents memories, feelings and instinctive responses that lie just below the level of consciousness. As the Moon orbits the earth, it generates the movements of the tides and governs other natural cycles, such as the menstrual cycle in women. The Moon therefore symbolises the ebb and flow of feeling and emotion (symbolised by water in Astrology), and the feminine principle in nature and in the individual.

The sign position of and aspects to the Moon show how we react instinctively, and what we need to feel comfortable and secure. As children the Moon is the Mother, or at least how we experienced our mother. As we grow older this extends to our relationships with women in general (particularly for men), and our instinctive or conditioned responses to the world in general; based on the often unconscious memories of this early nurturing experience (or lack of it).

* Moon in Sagittarius

The sign position of the Moon shows how we react instinctively, based on past experience and habit patterns. With the Moon in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, you are instinctively restless, with difficulty in settling down and staying in one place for too long. You feel happy with yourself if you can be exploring new horizons, or are on the move, even if it is only from one home to another. Your emotions can be fiery and you will defend yourself instinctively by reacting with anger. If your sense of security is threatened or your self image challenged you may respond with exaggeration and can be careless and tactless. You will have a high degree of independence and love of freedom, but will need to control a tendency to be off-hand.

* Moon in 3rd House

With the Moon in the 3rd House, there may be a tendency for your ideas to fluctuate according to your changing moods. Your thinking may be heavily influenced by your emotions and you'll tend to hold certain opinions because they make you feel comfortable and secure. Nevertheless, you're a good listener and are able to communicate your understanding and sympathy to others, hence they may seek you out to tell you their problems.

*Moon Conjunct Mercury

The conjunction between the Moon and Mercury indicates that you have a strong imagination. You are able to absorb information quickly and therefore learning comes fairly easy to you.

However, at times, your emotions may at times overrule your common sense, clouding your thinking and making it difficult for you to rationalise and think clearly. At other times you may think too heavily about what should simply be experienced as an emotion. Try to achieve a balance between the two, the best thing to do is to go with the flow, .go with how you feel.

The main disadvantage with this aspect is your sensitivity, as you can easily be hurt not just by what is said, but also by what you feel is being left unsaid.

*Moon Opposition Neptune

The Moon and Neptune in opposition indicate that your ideals in emotional relationships may be unrealistic in reality. Beware the tendency to project the ideal of perfection onto those closest to you. Since you are always willing to give others the benefit of the doubt, also beware that others may deceive you.

At times you may be disappointed when others don't live up to your expectations. But you need to realise that your high ideals come from within yourself, and since even you cannot always live up to them, how do you expect others to?

*Moon Opposition Pluto

The opposition between the Moon and Pluto produces deep feelings that may occasionally be difficult to get to grips with or to understand. Your personal life may often be the scene for intense emotional power battles in which one or both of you attempts to manipulate the other through feelings of guilt, jealousy and possessiveness. The source of these confrontations probably lies in your past. You will need to understand that source before you can effectively deal with the problems at hand.

With this aspect you will go through changes throughout your life that will force you to look within yourself to deal with problems and answer important questions, but you will always emerge from these periods a stronger person than you were before.


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Along with Venus it is one of the inferior planets, that is, its orbit lies within the earth's orbit.

In mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods. In the birth chart, Mercury represents the urge to communicate with and exchange information with others. In the mind, it represents our rational thought processes, or the ability to analyse and reach logical conclusions. In the body, it is the nervous system, which co-ordinates and unifies all the different bodily functions into an organised whole. Mercury can be said to represent electricity in the form of information. Mercury therefore rules all forms of communication and exchange of information, and the ability to organise facts into a consistent view of the world.

The sign position of and aspects to Mercury in the chart show how one thinks and communicates, that is, the way in which our thoughts are expressed, and the way in which we receive such information from the world around us.

* Mercury in Sagittarius

With Mercury in the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, your thinking is open-minded and optimistic. You prefer to think in broad philosophical terms rather than get bogged down in petty details. Although this is generally not a bad thing you may tend to overlook the fact that some details are important. You will try to live your life by what you believe and what you think is the best way to be, regardless of what other people may think, and you can be rather tactless in what you say. Your mind is restless and open to the future, refusing to be tied down by the past or present and other people may be frustrated by your refusal to be pinned down or express a definite opinion on some issue. It is not that you have no opinions, it is just that tomorrow it may suit you to change them, so it's best to keep your options open.

* Mercury in 3rd House

Mercury in the 3rd House indicates that you're always ready to learn, and you have a lively, witty and observant intellect. You'll probably have something to say about almost anything, but may have to control a tendency to occasionally express opinions before all the facts are known. You'll enjoy communicating with others, and will generally pay close attention to detail.

* Mercury Sextile Jupiter

Mercury in sextile aspect to Jupiter indicates that you're generally broad-minded and well-informed on many issues. Possessing an insatiable thirst for knowledge, you'll probably end up travelling for the purpose of broadening your mind.

You're a fluent speaker and writer, able to get your message across in a way that will both inspire and motivate your audience. You don't, however, try to blind anyone with science, and no one can do the same to you. You object strongly to those people who use rhetoric or flowery language to confound others.

* Mercury Opposition Pluto

The opposition between Mercury and Pluto gives a power and depth to your mind that will enable you to get to the root of any issue. As you can also generally delve deeply to unearth hidden facts, you'll therefore be particularly suited to any form of research.

However, at times you may be somewhat over-forceful when expressing your opinions, regarding any opposition or disagreement as a direct challenge that must be met and won by any means, and when seriously provoked you are able to launch a devastating verbal attack on the perpetrator.


Venus, like Mercury, lies within the orbit of the earth. If Mercury can be likened to electricity in the form of information, then Venus can be likened to the magnetic field generated by the electric current. One of the meanings of Venus is therefore "personal magnetism".

In mythology Venus is the goddess of love. In the birth chart, Venus represents the social and love urge, and the need for harmony and exchange of feelings and affection with others. Venus is our need to form relationships and our power to attract such relationships. It is also our sense of values, based on what attracts or repels us.

The sign position of any aspect to Venus shows how we express these needs to others and the kind of response we need in order to feel in harmony. If Venus is adversely aspected theses responses may not always be what we consciously desire but are often necessary in order to force us to recognise some unexpressed part of ourselves.

* Venus in Scorpio

With Venus, the planet of love and affection, in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, you approach relationships with an emotional intensity that is not always openly displayed. Your feelings go deep, and sometimes they may be difficult for you to understand or accept. You may handle this by giving the appearance of being cold and unemotional, but you are not as hard as you like people to think. You may find yourself involved in relationships that have a powerful and transforming effect on yourself and your life. You will be possessive, but that is safely hidden beneath the surface, like all the feelings that you feel could make you vulnerable if you revealed them.

You may find it difficult to give freely or to trust in a relationship, expecting all the giving and trust to come from the other person, but you can show indisputable loyalty to friends and family to whom you feel deeply attached.

* Venus in 2nd House

With Venus in the 2nd House of your chart, you love the good things in life, and have the ability to attract the things you want. You may occasionally, however, place too much value on material possessions and creature comforts. When in love, you have a need to form stable and lasting relationships, but may become too possessive.


Mars is the first planet in the series out from the Sun that is outside the orbit of the earth. As the first superior planet, Mars represents energy directed outward from the self into the world. It is the energy to initiate action and the ability to meet challenges and overcome obstacles. In mythology, Mars is the god of war. In the birth chart, Mars is the self assertive and aggressive urge, the sex drive and the need to achieve our desires. Positively, Mars is expressed as courage, initiative, and the will-power to pursue our goals. Negatively expressed, Mars is impatience, violence and the use of force or threats.

The sign position of and aspects to Mars in the chart show how we assert ourselves and express our desires. Mars is traditionally a masculine planet, and therefore represents the expression of the male ego. In a women's chart, the energy of Mars is often repressed by social and family conditioning, and indicates how she will experience the male ego through the men around her, whether positively or negatively expressed. It is, however, becoming increasingly possible for women to break away from traditional passive roles, and express their own Martian drives, but this is often not completely successful until after the age of about 30.

* Mars in Sagittarius

With Mars in the mutable fire sign Sagittarius, the energy to achieve your goals and enthusiasm for them are inseparably linked. Once you have decided on a course of action you will go for it directly, without too much beating about the bush, but if the enthusiasm wanes so will the energy. Your sexual and aggressive drives will be moderated by certain moral or ethical ideals, but within these limitations you will tend to be rather frank and direct. There is a danger of overextending yourself, or trying to achieve more than you are capable of handling, and you may have to control a tendency to exaggerate.

* Mars in 2nd House

The planet Mars in the 2nd House of your chart shows that you're prepared to work hard to surround yourself with the luxuries of life. You know what you want, and like to do things your own way. What's more, this stubborn insistence usually means that opposition to your way of doing things ends up getting pushed aside, you generally win.

In fact, you'll generally fight for the things that you value with a persistence and determination that is second to none, but at times you'll also need to stand aside from the fight, just to properly review the situation, otherwise you may find yourself expending a great deal of energy struggling for something that is no longer appropriate or necessary for you.

* Mars Sextile Jupiter

The positive sextile aspect between Mars and Jupiter increases your energy and drive to achieve something worthwhile with your life. However, whilst you're not afraid to defend your own rights and assert your opinions, you can also be sensitive to the needs and opinions of others.

You have considerable physical and mental energy, and you generally set yourself ambitious and demanding goals, but since these goals are generally based on forethought and planning you're usually able to maintain the energy and enthusiasm necessary to see them through to the end.

In love relationships, your physical desires are strong, but they are best satisfied with someone to whom you can relate on an intellectual level as well as a physical level.

* Mars Conjunct Saturn

The conjunction between Mars and Saturn is an aspect that could be described as controlled energy. You're therefore generally able to channel the energy of Mars in a disciplined manner, in order to achieve your goals with a minimum of effort. You're also able to work under the most difficult or even dangerous circumstances, with your self-discipline allowing you to focus on the task at hand to the exclusion of everything else.

You're self-controlled most of the time, but if you feel that you are being blocked in any way the build up of tension can result in a sudden release of anger or physical aggression.

* Mars Conjunct Uranus

Mars in conjunction with rebellious Uranus makes a pretty dynamic combination. You're fiercely independent, impulsive and self-motivated and when you know what you want, you'll go for it with a tireless energy and determination that will find a way around all obstacles, or crash straight through them! Your emotions can explode at a moment's notice.

You're also not very good at taking advice as more often than not, you have to do things your way or not at all. Others may therefore occasionally regard you as arrogant and reckless, but you need excitement and stimulation, and if your life becomes too routine and boring you are likely to stir things up just for the hell of it.

Your physical desires are strong, and you don't need emotional closeness or involvement in order to satisfy these desires.

You also don't like any restrictions placed on your actions, preferring to be free to act on your own initiative, and in any way you choose. Therefore your insistence on this right will probably end up causing you some conflict with others during your life.

This combination makes your life a constant fight for freedom and independence on one level or another but if you can use this tremendous energy to fight for the freedom and independence of others who, for some reason, cannot fight for themselves, you will be expressing this aspect in its purest form.

The planets up to and including Mars have been concerned with the establishment of ourselves as individuals, and with the satisfaction of our own needs and desires. The planets beyond Mars connect us with a larger order.


As the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter represents expansion and growth. It is the urge to grow beyond our individual limitations and the need to feel part of a larger order, whether this be a particular religion, philosophy or social system. Jupiter, the king of the gods, is traditionally the bestower of faith, optimism and the ability to expand and prosper. It is the planet that promotes personal growth, gives us confidence in ourselves and trust in a higher power or greater plan. Negatively, Jupiter can manifest as overconfidence, irresponsibility and the tendency to over-extend ourselves or promise too much.

The sign position of and aspects to Jupiter in the chart show what kinds of experiences and types of activity create an inner faith and optimism, and the sense of being connected to the larger scheme of things.

* Jupiter in Libra

With Jupiter in the cardinal air sign of Libra, opportunities will come to you as a result of your need for a wide variety of social contacts and acquaintances. Your judgement is fair and impartial, you are aware of the injustices and prejudices of society and have a strong desire to help those who are oppressed or unfairly treated, or to do something to help make the world a better place. This desire may remain just that, however, since your diplomatic nature and your natural ability to see all sides of any issue may paralyse the urge to action. The same qualities, if you can overcome your indecisiveness, can bring you great success in any field that involves working with or negotiating on behalf of the general public. In relationships, you will seek those that in some way broaden your perspective and experience.

* Jupiter in 12th House

With Jupiter in the 12th House, no matter how dire your circumstances may become, you have a deep-seated faith that life itself will provide for your needs, and indeed you'll more than often be saved in the nick of time from impossibly difficult circumstances by what appears to others to be good luck, but in fact it's luck which you've created from your own thoughts and actions.

* Jupiter Sextile Saturn

With Jupiter and Saturn in Sextile aspect, you're able to set yourself distant goals and can see not just the end result, but also the steps necessary to reach that goal.

You would do well in all areas of public administration, law or government, since you have a genuine interest in the just and efficient management of these social structures. You are aware of the injustices and faults in the system and would like to do something to improve things, or at least let your voice be heard.

This contact indicates that the optimism of Jupiter, will help you maintain the effort in working toward your goals that Saturn demands. If you can maintain drive and motivation, you'll eventually benefit and prosper.

* Jupiter Sextile Uranus

The Sextile between Jupiter and Uranus is an aspect of hope and optimism for the future. You don't like to be held back by the past.

In your religious and philosophical beliefs, you're not bound by tradition or dogma. You need to find your own way, and whatever belief system you adopt needs to stand the test of your incisive and critical intellect, and not just be based on an act of faith.


Saturn is the last planet in the solar system that can be seen with the naked eye from the earth. As such, together with the fact that it is bounded by a series of rings, Saturn represents the boundaries of the individual.

After the limitless expansion of Jupiter, Saturn in the birth chart represents boundaries and limitations. It is the principle of structure and form. In the body, it is the skeleton, which gives the body its structure, and the skin, which is the boundary to the outside world. In the mind, it is the structure of our ego and our sense of self which we seek to preserve from the impact of changes from within and from the outside world. Saturn gives us the ability to endure setbacks and work with discipline and patience toward well defined aims. It is the need for social approval through some kind of tangible achievement. Whereas Jupiter brings rewards and opportunities through what we might call good luck, Saturn brings rewards and opportunities through hard work, limitation and self discipline.

The sign position of and aspects to Saturn show how we seek to establish ourselves as individuals and find our place in the social system of which we are a part. Any form or structure, however, when placed in the light of the Sun tends to cast a shadow. The position of Saturn in the chart therefore, shows where we find our "shadow". It is here that we meet with our greatest sense of inadequacy, lack of faith and inhibitions. Saturn shows where we are most fearful, and hence most rigid; but if these fears can be met and overcome it is the source of our greatest strength and a solid foundation from which to meet the world.

* Saturn in Sagittarius

Saturn forces us to confront our fears and inadequacies, and develop our own inner strength in whatever area of the chart it is found. In the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius, the issue will be the search for meaning, whether this is sought through travel or wholly within yourself. At some point you will experience disillusion with traditional religious and philosophical opinion, resulting in either a scepticism based on fear and a sense of futility, or a search for deeper and more enduring values. Duties and responsibilities may prevent you from expressing your more exploration and freedom loving urges, forcing you to seek this freedom within yourself, in some esoteric philosophical system, or simply through some activity that allows you greater contact with the world from your own limited situation. Eventually you will realise that you cannot accept another person's philosophy, and that the ultimate authority in this area must come from within yourself. Your urge for exploration and travel is a reflection of this need for inner exploration, and the realisation of this could, paradoxically, remove many of the apparent outer restrictions and obstacles, and bring a greater sense of inner and outer freedom, but it is in the nature of Saturn that you must learn through the experience of delays and frustration first.

* Saturn in 2nd House

With Saturn in the 2nd House of your chart, you have a powerful need and ability to earn your keep through your own efforts. Even if you come into money through luck or inheritance, you'll still feel a greater sense of satisfaction from what you make through hard work. On the other hand, financial security may at times be hard to come by and only gained through considerable effort.

* Saturn Conjunct Uranus

The Conjunction between Saturn and Uranus indicates at times during your life you'll have to find a balance between the need for personal freedom and the need for security. At different times you'll tend to express one need and deny the other, but as you develop as an individual you'll learn to integrate freedom and security.

Chaotic or confused conditions annoy you. Even when you make major changes in your life, you still like to hold onto a bit of the old structure for the sense of security that it provides.

The Outer Planets

The planets beyond Saturn:- Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, move through the signs so slowly that the sign positions of these planets refer more to the generation of which we are a part, rather than individual characteristics. It is the House position that shows where we will meet with the principles expressed by these planets in our lives. The aspects of these planets to the personal planets indicate our degree of attunement to the principles they represent.

The trans-Saturnian planets cannot be seen without the aid of a telescope. Therefore they represent powerful forces that are beyond conscious control. These planets connect us with forces and levels of reality beyond our experience as individual human beings. They do this by breaking down the boundaries of the ego (symbolised by Saturn), to allow the inflow of higher ideals and goals into our ego-centred minds. This can often mean the total disruption or destruction of our existing lives, goals, or outer and inner structures in order to make this possible.


Uranus is the first of the trans-Saturnian planets. It cannot be seen with the naked eye and was discovered in 1781 during the period of the American and French revolutions. It's discovery was made possible by the invention of the telescope, a development that has led to radical changes in our knowledge of the universe and our place in it.

In the birth chart then, Uranus represents the force for revolutionary change, the breaking from tradition, and inventiveness and experimentation. As one of the three planets that cannot be seen with the unaided eye, Uranus represents a force over which we have little or no conscious control. On an individual level, Uranus indicates our degree of independence and demand for personal freedom. If well aspected it gives us originality and an attunement to truth that goes beyond the logic of Mercury. If we refuse to express the energy of Uranus within us, preferring to cling to the traditions and limitations of Saturn, then Uranus may manifest as disruptions and sudden changes in our immediate environment, sometimes disrupting our lives completely and forcing us to make needed changes. If the energy of Uranus is expressed negatively, it can lead to wilfulness, impatience and needless rebellion, the rebel without a cause.

The position of Uranus in the chart shows where we most feel the need for freedom and independence and the need to experiment with new ideas and ways of living. Conversely, it is the area where we can cause the most disruption and needless change.

* Uranus in 2nd House

Inventive, original and disruptive Uranus is in your House of material possessions and security. You will need to earn your income through some activity that allows you to express your originality and independence, you will need to do something "different", even something that may be regarded by more conservative types as slightly eccentric. Although you recognise the need for financial and material security, your attitude toward material possessions is probably that they are a necessary evil, valued more for the freedom and opportunity that they give you to do your own thing, rather than any intrinsic value they may have in themselves. There may be sudden ups and downs in your material and financial affairs, unexpected losses and just as unexpected gains. This is a result of your need for change and originality, and the willingness to take risks and try things that others would steer clear of, you have the ability to see unexpected opportunities that other people would miss completely. You will need to beware of the danger of disrupting things unnecessarily simply for the sake of change.


After Uranus comes Neptune, the god of the sea. Whereas Uranus is the urge for individual freedom and independence, Neptune is the urge to escape from our normal sense-bound state of consciousness, and experience our unity with a different level of reality.

In the birth chart, Neptune represents our higher ideals and our attunement to realities that lie beyond that perceived by the senses. It is the realm of dreams and imagination and our sense of being part of a whole which is greater than ourselves, the awareness of a spiritual dimension to existence. Neptune represents the urge to transcend our normal state of consciousness through meditation and mystical experience, music, dreams and flights of the imagination, or through drugs (including alcohol) which afford us a temporary escape from the mundane grind of living. Neptune can be expressed as high ideals, altruism and spiritual values, or as self destructive escapism and evasion of responsibilities. For most of us it is a mixture of both.

The position of Neptune in the chart shows where and how we seek to express these needs, and in what areas of our lives we tend to seek an often impossible ideal.

* Neptune in 9th House

Neptune in the 9th House indicates a mystical or idealistic search for meaning through some kind of religion or philosophy. You may at times be tempted to project your need for a guru onto a person or group who you feel has the absolute truth, and the final answers to everything, only to find later that it was an illusion. But you will come to realise that if there is an absolute truth, it can be expressed in many ways, that are valid for a particular culture, and a particular level of understanding, at a particular time.

You are an idealist in your views on social issues and education. For you, education is not for the purpose of programming a person with a particular set of values, or a particular belief system, it is a means of developing each individuals potential and awareness of the responsibilities of being part of a greater whole.

* Neptune Conjunct Pluto

The conjunction between Neptune and Pluto last occurred in 1891-92. With the discovery of X-rays and quanta and the introduction of Einstein's relativity theory a few years later, this conjunction marks the beginning of a period in history that promises to completely transform our understanding of the material world, and hence our philosophical, religious and political belief systems.


Pluto is the outermost planet in the solar system and therefore the slowest moving. At certain times however, due to the high eccentricity of its orbit, it comes closer to the earth than Neptune. This is the case at the present time and will be so until the end of the century. At the same time it is passing through Scorpio, the sign that it rules. This is a very critical period in world history, since Pluto represents powerful forces of death and destruction or change and transformation, which are now at their strongest. This can lead to destruction through nuclear war or our pollution and exploitation of our planet. On the other hand it can lead to the death of the present political and economical systems and the birth of new political and economic systems and a transformation in international relations and our relationship to our planet. By the time Pluto leaves Scorpio in 1999 the issue will probably be decided one way or the other.

In the individual birth chart, Pluto represents the urge for power and control either over ourselves or others. It is the need to penetrate beneath the surface of experience, to reveal hidden motivations and repressed desires. The position of Pluto in the chart indicates our capacity for self-regeneration or rebirth and our attitude towards beginnings and endings and birth and death, either actual or symbolic. Pluto can be expressed as the acceptance of our need for complete transformation in some area of our life, and the courage to face our deepest compulsions and hang-ups. Or, it can be expressed as the wilful manipulation of others, ruthlessness and an infatuation with power.

* Pluto in 9th House

The 9th House of the birth chart is concerned with our search for meaning in life, either through a religion, philosophy or through travel as a means of expanding the mind. Pluto in this House indicates that these matters will arouse powerful and compulsive feelings. If you believe in God, it is probably not as a loving and forgiving father figure, but as a powerful and often ruthless force that is capable of destroying those who transgress it's laws. Your belief system may at times undergo radical changes, where all that you previously held to be true is destroyed, to be reborn on a different level. On the other hand you may react by denying any meaning or purpose to life altogether, taking the view that there is no point to anything since it all ends in death anyway. There is a strong urge to examine these issues, together with a fear of what may be encountered, or that what you find or discover may force you to go through radical and painful inner changes. You can be transformed and regenerated through travel and learning from different cultures and traditions.

You have a natural ability to promote powerful causes, to take philosophical, social and religious beliefs and place them in the public arena through publishing, broadcasting or political protest. There is a danger of getting involved in power plays which could end up in the law courts in you are not careful.

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